Interactive VR product catalogue for Güntner



Area of business

Marketing and sales


Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany

The client and issue

Güntner is a leading manufacturer of refrigeration and air conditioning heat exchangers with an efficient and sustainable product line covering a wide range of applications. The company wanted something new to showcase their products in order to stay ahead of the competition, rethink established industrial marketing patterns, and address the increasing digitisation of the HVACR industry. 

Orange gradient 3D cube 7

The solution

MRstudios developed the Güntner VR Welt – an interactive VR 4.0 app, aimed at moving the existing joint corporate and sales presentation of Güntner, Jaeggi, Thermowave, and Basetec into one single interactive VR framework to be used during sales meetings and exhibitions. It is a cross-platform app that incorporates the company profiles, core company products, introductions to various technology areas, and their respective projects. 

Interactive products in a virtual environment

In the app, Güntner’s four main products are virtualised. The user can interact with the 3D models of the products and adjust the temperatures of the environment and the airflow rate of the products to observe real-time effects. Users can also defy physical limitations, and get a deeper understanding of the product using the X-Ray view. On top of that, information hotspots are incorporated to provide more information about the product’s USPs and components. 

Screenshot of Guentner Ecoss 3D VR application with control centre in view

Continuous development

The app is available for both Windows desktop and mobile devices and can be used by Güntner’s marketing and sales teams wherever they go.

The app is continuously being upgraded to include more products over time, and has been used across Güntner offices worldwide for sales and marketing purposes.

Let us know how we can help

We know that taking the leap into something relatively unknown can be daunting. You deserve to see the full picture before making any decisions. Get in touch with us for a chat about how interactive 3D can work for your business. No strings attached, we promise.