rom chaos to cohesion: Streamlining Systemair's global exhibition strategy



Area of business

Marketing and Sales


Skinnskatteberg, Sweden

The client and issue

Systemair is a leading Swedish HVAC manufacturer with offices and subsidiaries in many countries.

They struggled with managing their global exhibition presence. Each local office independently handled their exhibitions, leading to inconsistent booth designs and inefficient management. This decentralised approach resulted in high costs from repeatedly designing and building booths, logistical challenges with remote coordination, and a lack of cohesive branding.

Additionally, the absence of dedicated exhibition management staff in some offices forced marketing and sales teams to divert their attention from engaging with visitors to handling booth logistics.

Systemair needed a streamlined, global solution to improve efficiency and consistency in preparation for, and at, exhibitions.

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The client and issue

Systemair is a leading Swedish HVAC manufacturer with offices and subsidiaries in many countries.

They struggled with managing their global exhibition presence. Each local office independently handled their exhibitions, leading to inconsistent booth designs and inefficient management. This decentralised approach resulted in high costs from repeatedly designing and building booths, logistical challenges with remote coordination, and a lack of cohesive branding.

Additionally, the absence of dedicated exhibition management staff in some offices forced marketing and sales teams to divert their attention from engaging with visitors to handling booth logistics.

Systemair needed a streamlined, global solution to improve efficiency and consistency in preparation for, and at, exhibitions.

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The solution

MRstudios provided Systemair with a comprehensive suite of exhibition solutions to address these challenges. MRstudios’ services included design and conceptualisation, booth building management, material re-use advisement, AV equipment rental, and the development of interactive 3D applications.

This approach standardised Systemair’s booth designs, ensuring a consistent brand image globally. MRstudios managed the entire exhibition process, reducing the burden on Systemair’s local offices.

The first launch of this new booth concept at Mostra Convegno Expocomfort 2024 was a resounding success, receiving great feedback. The booth was welcoming, engaging, beautiful, and well-designed to meet the needs of salespeople and visitors.

The solution

MRstudios provided Systemair with a comprehensive suite of exhibition solutions to address these challenges. MRstudios’ services included design and conceptualisation, booth building management, material re-use advisement, AV equipment rental, and the development of interactive 3D applications.

This approach standardised Systemair’s booth designs, ensuring a consistent brand image globally. MRstudios managed the entire exhibition process, reducing the burden on Systemair’s local offices.

The first launch of this new booth concept at Mostra Convegno Expocomfort 2024 was a resounding success, receiving great feedback. The booth was welcoming, engaging, beautiful, and well-designed to meet the needs of salespeople and visitors.

Streamlined efficiency and reduced costs

MRstudios’ solutions significantly increased operational efficiency and reduced costs for Systemair. By centralising exhibition planning and management, Systemair no longer needed to create new booth designs from scratch for each event. MRstudios’ standardised approach allowed for the reuse of booth elements, reducing material costs and waste.

MRstudios also handled vendor coordination, often securing better rates and ensuring timely execution. This streamlined process freed Systemair’s resources, enabling marketing and sales teams to focus on engaging with visitors rather than managing booth setup and the nitty-gritty.

Systemair Booth displaying a new exhibition design concept

Streamlined efficiency and reduced costs

MRstudios’ solutions significantly increased operational efficiency and reduced costs for Systemair. By centralising exhibition planning and management, Systemair no longer needed to create new booth designs from scratch for each event. MRstudios’ standardised approach allowed for the reuse of booth elements, reducing material costs and waste.

MRstudios also handled vendor coordination, often securing better rates and ensuring timely execution. This streamlined process freed Systemair’s resources, enabling marketing and sales teams to focus on engaging with visitors rather than managing booth setup and the nitty-gritty.

Systemair Booth displaying a new exhibition design concept

Consistent branding and enhanced visitor engagement

Partnering with MRstudios ensured consistent and high-quality exhibition booths for Systemair across all markets. MRstudios’ expertise in booth design maintained a cohesive brand image, presenting a professional and polished appearance that attracted visitors.

Additionally, MRstudios developed customised interactive 3D applications to enhance visitor engagement. These cutting-edge technologies captivated attendees, providing immersive experiences that showcased Systemair’s innovative products, driving higher booth traffic and generating valuable leads.

Systemair Booth displaying a new exhibition design concept

Consistent branding and enhanced visitor engagement

Partnering with MRstudios ensured consistent and high-quality exhibition booths for Systemair across all markets. MRstudios’ expertise in booth design maintained a cohesive brand image, presenting a professional and polished appearance that attracted visitors.

Additionally, MRstudios developed customised interactive 3D applications to enhance visitor engagement. These cutting-edge technologies captivated attendees, providing immersive experiences that showcased Systemair’s innovative products, driving higher booth traffic and generating valuable leads.

Let us know how we can help

We know that taking the leap into something relatively unknown can be daunting. You deserve to see the full picture before making any decisions. Get in touch with us for a chat about how interactive 3D can work for your business. No strings attached, we promise.