Touchscreen Virtual Reality
Products, buildings, entire environments and use-case scenarios can be shown and controlled on any kind of touch device, from palm-sized smartphones to large-scale touch walls. Have your products and solutions at your fingertips.
Even the biggest machines can fit in your pocket
Having your product and solutions fit into a tablet or smartphone can be incredibly convenient and useful for your sales people, as well as for helping your clients immediately experience brand benefits.
At MRstudios, we have taken Virtual Reality to the next level by developing our own plugins and a cross-platform development kit that is tailor-made for industrial-type applications. Keep scrolling to see how it looks like in practice.
Güntner's VR Experience
Refrigeration manufacturer Güntner wanted to move their existing corporate and sales presentations into a single interactive VR framework. To realise this, a cross-platform application was developed incorporating the company profile, core company products, introductions to various technology areas, and their respective reference projects.
ZIEHL-ABEGG's Interactive 3D showroom
Leading fan manufacturer ZIEHL-ABEGG wanted an interactive 3D application that makes it possible for customers to explore the company’s major products, applications and market solutions on one platform. The result is a cross-platform, standalone VR application that can be used on all touchscreen devices.
Pablo Varela
Global Product Director at Systemair